I had tried numerous times while in the hospital to update the blog about Allie's arrival but I always fell asleep. Here is the update on the delivery through Allie's condition today.
Our Miracle
We arrived at the hospital Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. I was not too nervous at this point. It felt like I was heading to the doctor for all kinds of test when I didn't even feel bad. It was a feeling of "Wow I am about to have a lot of things done to me but I feel fine." Once we got there we registered and sat in the waiting area until they called us back. God started easing fear immediately. About 10 minutes after we arrived Bro. Steve arrived and talked to us until it was time for us to go back. We also saw 3 different nurses that I knew. One was going to be my nurse, one use to go to high school with me, and one use to work for my OBGYN. Seeing so many people I knew felt good. It was as if God was saying..See you're in hands you know and already trust.
They next took us back to the prep room. Once my IV was in they allowed people to come back. Needless to say with our families there is always something happening that is entertaining. My poppaw walks in the prep room with a HUGE box of biscuits and tons of Coffee. I just laughed. I just knew he would be feeding the entire staff and all the waiting room when he went to the waiting room. I was nervous about having soo many people come by and being more nervous because they were there. I had been praying for patience and an ease of fear/nervous for quite some time, but when it came down to the situation it was nice to be surrounded with so many friends, family, and church family.
When they came to take my back I was oddly very calm. I do not remember being overly scared or nervous. They took me into the OR (which is nothing like you expect). It is very small and there are lots of people in there. I got up on the table to get the spinal block. This was the one thing I was most nervous about. Well my doctor for the spinal was great. It barely felt like a stick and I felt no pain from getting it. After the block they laid me down and began prepping the area. They put up the little curtain etc. I had never had any type of anesthesia and my body took it almost too well. I became numb up to my neck which is higher than they like and my blood pressure dropped really low. All I remember is hearing people talk far off, being told to squeeze their hands, and getting wet rags put on my face. I know every time they asked if I felt something (as they were testing to see if I was numb) I didnt even realize they had even touched me.
Stewart came in the room once they had me stabilized and ready to operate. He had been in the "Daddy Chair" out in the hall waiting. I was soo glad to see him come in the room. I might add he looks very good in scrubs :) Once Stewart was in they immediately began operating. Allie was born at 8:48 a.m. weighing 6 lbs 1 oz and 18 inches long. Hearing her cry and seeing her for the first time is something I will never forget. In a single moment all the months of worry, fear, anxiety, sadness..everything was lifted off. I literally felt a weight being lifted off of me.
Allie's Arrival Into The World
Above is a favorite of mine. I love the look on Stewart's face
After the surgery I went into recovery and Allie and Stewart went to the well baby nursery. Allie had some problems breathing and they took her to the NICU. When I got out of recovery the wheeled me into the NICU to see Allie. Stewart was in there as well and it was my first time to really be able to see her. I was so glad to see that she was healthy.
Once they wheeled me up to my room, Allie's breathing improved enough to be moved out of NICU. She was out for about a day when her breathing started to require more atttention. She went back into NICU and was admitted. Allie is still in the NICU as of tonight. Her breathing/respiratory issues seem to be better. She has been able to keep her breathing at a normal level and is now able to get it back down when she has been crying or is upset. Her temperature is still border line of where they would like it, but we are hoping she comes home tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.
There is so many details that I have left out because I would be up for hours, but I wanted everyone to be able to welcome Allie into the world and everyone who has been praying for her get a glimpse of the miracle that she is. I can not express how grateful we have been to be surrounded by prayers over the past couple of months. Allie's life is truly a miracle. Thank you every one who prayed daily for Allie. She has surpassed all statistics thrown her way and Stewart and I have been given strength, peace, and endurance over the past few months that can only come from God. During the delivery the peace I felt over the surgery, Allie and Emma's delivery, and Allie's health could have only come from God. He is good and I have experienced first hand the power of prayer and the power of faith. I am so thankful to God for giving us a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
*It does not appear that Allie has down syndrome. They only test when they think she may have some markers. Allie has no markers! Praise God!
We will not know if she has cerebral palsy for about 6 months to a year when signs show up. so many prayers have been answered for Allie and her prayer warriors are faithful in lifting her up. Please continue to pray for her health and that she does not have CP!
Sweet Emma
I struggled for months over the moment that I knew one day would come when I would have to deliver Emma. I can not express the emotions I have and still do feel over losing our little girl. God answered many prayers, but the one that I know could have only come from him is the peace I felt and do feel over Emma's birth. God gave me strength emotionally and physically over the lose of Emma. I know that she is healthy and in heaven where we will see her again. Although this is hard to deal with here on Earth it is the faith that he gave me everything I prayed for and that was two healthy girls. I was apprehensive that they sorrow of Emma would overshadow the joy for Allie, but it did not in the least. God has allowed me to have a peace about Emma's life. I hold dear the memories of her ultrasounds and of her inside of me when I got to know her so well. She will always be a missing piece of me and I will always have two beautiful healthy girls. Thank you everyone who prayed for the struggle you knew we would have to experience. It is not easy but the peace and comfort I feel can only be explained as coming from God. I never thought I would have such peace.
Here are some pictures of our Beautiful Allie:
This is what being swollen from pregnancy and 4 bags of fluids do to one's face.
I am so in love with this sweet little face. She is beautiful and precious beyond words.
I know I have posted many times, but I am blessed to have such an amazing husband. He has been my rock and strength over the past few months. He was such a calming presence for me during the surgery and recovery and has done every little thing I asked and everything I did not ask. My heart feels no fuller than when I watch him and Allie together. They are the loves of my life. He is already an amazing Dad. When she first went into NICU she was crying and people were trying to comfort her with baby voices and such. They said Stewart leaned down and said "Hey girl" and her crying ceased immediatly. They already have a bond that can only be explained by being there. I can not wait to watch them together over the years. I am beyond grateful that he is my husband and the father of Allie. I hope she has a heart as large as his.
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