Allie, sweet baby girl, you are 8 months old. I can not believe you are 4 months away from being 1! You are changing in appearance and development everyday and I am so thankful I am able to watch you grow each day as you are at work with me. You are a very sweet little girl. You are almost always happy and have a smile on your face. You have a contagious deep little laugh which you share with us everyday.
Here is what you are up to at 8 Months:
I estimate you are 21 - 21.5 lbs
Diapers: You are in a size 3 diaper
Clothes: You are in 6-12, 9 months, or 12 month
Teeth: 2 bottom teeth
Things you love: Bath time, Swimming Pools, Mickey Mouse, Rattles, Music Makers, Being Outside, Gracie, Swinging in Baby swings, Ice Cream, Water in Your Sippie Cup
You have been trying to crawl for weeks and I know it is anytime when you put all the pieces together. You can now get to a sitted position from your stomach or back and can get into a crawl position and back to your bottom on your own. You are so very close
We have lowered your crib and you now try and pull up on things although you still aren't pulling up quite yet.
7 am: Bottle with rice
9 am- 5 ounces formula with rice
12 pm: 1 Package Baby Food and/or Bottle
3 pm: 1 Package of baby food
6-7 pm: Bottle
In between your meals you have puffs, mum-mums, and yogurt drops with water
You don't seem like a tutu girl but I thought I would give it a whirl today. You didn't seem to mind it... maybe you will be a little girly after all. I think you look adorable.
You kept putting it in your mouth and frowning at me like.."This isn't edible."
You don't have quite enough hair for this type of hair bow but we are getting closer.
Night time at 8 Months Old:
Now that you are mobile (in an unorganized way) you seem to get 'stuck'. I find you like this most nights and have to 'unstick' you about 3 times before you finally go to sleep. Sometimes your legs are even over the bumpers. Crazy girl.
Part of your crawl is the elephant walk/ reverse crab whatever you want to call it but your legs are straight and your arms are straight and you just sit there. You are finally starting to put your knees on the ground instead of keeping your legs straight. Your strength is amazing to watch.
Just because ...Bath time
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