Saturday, May 19, 2012

7 Months Old

Allie you are 7 Months Old! Wow you are over halfway to being 1. Time has gone so fast and here is a glimpse of what you are up to at 7 Months:

Naps: The only time you want to nap is either in the car or when we are at home on the weekends. You want to watch everything going on at all times and refuse to take a nap during the day. Normally as soon as we put you in your carseat you are asleep within about 1 minute.

 Bunny: You still love Bunny. Bunny goes to sleep with you at all naps and at night. Normally bunny is over or around your face at night. Bunny didn't fare so well during this car trip.

Here are your 7 month photos. You are looking more and more like a toddler and losing your "baby face." I think you look much 'slimmer' in your 7 month pictures.

You have BIG beautiful brown eyes with long eye lashes.

You got your first tooth on April 4th and your 2nd tooth on May 5th. They gave you a little fit and you were fussy but all is well now and they are shining bright and white.

You are wearing size 9 month or 12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.

You go to sleep between 6-8 pm and wake up between 6:30 -7:30

You eat 5 ounces Or a package of baby food every 3-4 hours

Your eating schedule goes something like this:
7 am: Bottle
9 am: Bottle 
(I think you like this bottle early because you go so long at night)
 10 am: you are ready for a nap. Most the time you won't take it
12ish: You have food or a bottle.  You like a nap around 1
3:30: Food or a Bottle
6:30: Food or a Bottle followed by bath time
8:30: Bottle & Bedtime

This picture cracks me up...nice shiny teeth

 We lowered your crib down after these pictures. You can now pull up on your crib
 You are sitting up with no problem and rarely fall over. You are starting to roll F to B more but I just dont think you will ever use your rolling over as a means of getting somewhere. You have been sleeping on your stomach a lot.
 You love: Eating :), Playing, "field trips at the farm" Swinging in Baby swings, Gracie, Outside, Mickey Mouse, Peek A Boo, When people clap for you or dance, You are a happy baby and rarely are upset.

You love to throw anything and like it more when someone will throw it back to you and make a game of it. You are now in a blow up bath tub and love being able to move around and play in it at night.

ISR Swim Lessons:
We enrolled you in ISR lessons when you were 6 1/2 months old and you just finished this past Friday. You can now roll over and float on the surface should you ever fall in the water. Next Sping you will learn to swim under water. You did so good at these and although you did cry or wimper during the lessons you have excelled at being able to do it.

Here is your last day in class where I got to join you and learn how to practice with you on my own. I am very glad we put you in these. You like to know about everything and want to be everywhere and I feel that should you ever fall in the pool/ lake etc you have the skill to survive. You can hold your breath and know that if your face goes under that you need to get to your float position with your mouth and nose out of the water. It is truly amazing to watch.

This is a little late and we are only 2 weeks until you are 8 Months Old! I think you will be crawling by then...we will see


  1. Heath and I were amazed at the ISR swim lesson photos! That is incredible!

  2. Hey girl. It really is neat. I am trying to get the video from the instructor of her rolling over under water. I viewed it and it was awesome. I hope you, Heath, and Roman are doing great!

  3. Those pictures of Allie in the pool are incredible! I'll have to look into ISR for Ellie. Thanks for sharing! :)
