Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gracie Gracie Gracie

When I started this blog it was meant for others to be able to follow Allie's journey before and after she arrives. It was meant for us to post the little daily things that make her Allie. But we also wanted to keep others and our family up to date on our daily lives as we wait for Allie and as we become new parents.

If you know us well or ever see us out we will probably have a spoiled four- legged friend following us around. We got Gracie when she was about 6 weeks old last June/July. She is just over a year now. She is both Stewart and my first dog ever. I think we have done pretty good at raising her and over all she is a very well behaved puppy. I will have to admit, Stewart does most of the work and spends the most time with her. Although I like dogs, I do not like dogs that bark all the time, I do not like dog poop in my yard, I do not like dogs that jump on me or lick me...etc. Thankfully, Gracie must have figured all this out really quick because she is still with us one year later. Gracie is like Stewart's long lost friend. They go EVERYWHERE together. Details will come on their ODD  sweet relationship later.

Meet Gracie

We had just gotten Gracie in this picture. 

Since neither of us had ever had a dog we did not realize that she was still pretty young to take to the creek and other bodies of water, but she was a trooper and she loves Sunday afternoons at the creek, Pat's pond, or any other water she can find.

This is their "wrestling" match. It is odd that whatever "position" Stewart takes she does the same. It is funny to watch. Needless to say these matches have stopped (at least while I am at home) because as her nails have gotten longer/stronger she has gotten larger I worry about them scratching the floor when she is excited in the house. (I know you are thinking...Wait til Allie is here and see what damage she creates.)

She is very well behaved MOST of the time. On this occasion, we left her in the garage to go somewhere and when we came back the door that leads from the kitchen to the garage was open and there was no Gracie to be found. We found this mess in the living room. She had taken all of the toilet paper out of BOTH bathrooms and rolled our living room. Odd thing is she had to carry them one by one from the bathrooms to the den. She messed nothing else up not even the baskets she got the toilet paper from. I guess she was just ready for Football season :)

Stewart has been pestering me about writing about Gracie to the point of designating Wednesdays at "Woof Woof Wednesday" where all things Gracie and Allie will be combined. I am a day late but to satisfy my sweet husband here is Gracie her own post.

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