Monday, January 9, 2012

What We've Been Up To...

Auburn vs. Virginia
Chick-Fil-A Bowl
Auburn 43 Virginia 24

Allie went to her first Auburn Game. It was the perfect setting as the game was played indoors. She did great. She fell asleep around the 2nd quarter and didn't wake up until the 3rd/4th. It was a lot to take in and her eyes were HUGE when she was awake trying to take in all the noise and lights. She was great. We took the Marta back to the hotel and she was the best baby. She didn't cry any and just went with the flow. 
Gotta Love a Little Tiger!

Love Those Dimples!

Allie and Daddy

Allie, Daddy and Grandaddy

Sweet Little Face

Allie Grandaddy and Gram

Allie was exhausted when we got back to the room around 1a.m. She fell asleep and slept until about 10 the next morning.


 Love Her Smile

Allie turned 3 months old on her Daddy's Birthday. She now weighs 13.5 lbs and is 23.5 inches long. She is in size 1 diapers and 3 or 3-6 month clothes. She has gotten sooo big. This past month was full of changes. Allie started off the month with an upper repiratory infection and a crusty eye. We had to take her to the pediatrician at the beginning of December for her nasty eye. We gave her eye drops, slept with her sitting up for a few nights, put a humidifer in her room, and rode it out. Allie's acid reflux has also been bothering her a lot this month. I feel so bad for her when she is hurting. At her 3 month appointment he upped her reflux medicine and put her on rice cereal. We have seen a HUGE difference having her on rice.

At 3 months Allie is offered 6 ounces and eat  anywhere between 4-6 of those ounces every 3-5 hours. Her last feeding is around 10-12 pm and she sleeps until we wake her around6:45-7:30 am. She takes a long morning nap, and a short afternoon, and short late evening nap.
 Allie did not like her swing during "month 2" but with all the reflux we have reintroduced the swing and she likes to take her evening nap there. She LOVES her floor mat 'thing' and loves to bat at all the toys above her. She also has started to love watching cartoons. Playhouse Mickey is a favorite and praise Baby DVD. Allie still loves bath time.
Allie loves to be talked to and will smile and 'talk' back to you. She is making the oooh, grrr, and mm sounds. She is close to rolling over from front to back and back to front and has gotten close but isnt there yet. She is great at holding her head up and it keeps getting stronger.

Random Pictures

1 comment:

  1. Glad she has a happier 3 month picture than she did at 2 months! ;)
