Monday, January 23, 2012

Daddy's Girl

Allie  is lucky to have a very hands on Dad. I know how much we are blessed that he will share all the "baby duties" with me and enjoys spending time with Allie. She loves her Daddy and you can tell by the way her smile lights up when she sees him. Here are a few of the Daddy/ Daughter moments of the past 4 months!

At Church Sunday

Wearing Daddy's Hat at Work

Auburn vs. Clemson Game

Christmas at Grandmama and Grandaddy's

At Gram and Granddaddy's

At Gran and Poppaws

Lunchtime at work

Eating at the Farm in October

In the NICU

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We are really lucky to be able to bring Allie to work (day care is CRAAAZY expensive) and so far she has been easy to keep at work and we are still able to get our work done. Here is a glimpse of our past few days at work...

Allie in her Bumbo.
She is just starting to sit in it because her head gets tired after awhile, but shes doing better and better. 

 Mickey's Club house Watching Party At Tate Farms
 Dad working on Pumpkin Stuff and Allie taking care of the important business "cartoons"
  The I can occupy Allie for hours   play mat 

The best work is done at ....nap time

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dr. G and Raquel

 This post is waaay past due and Stewart has wanted me to do it for quite awhile now. When our triple screen test came back positive for a higher risk for Down Syndrome, our Doctor (John Cimino) recommended us to a fetal medicine specialist in Birmingham, Dr. Gonzalez. 
Dr. Gonzalez and his ultrasound tech Raquel were the people that took care of the sextuplets born last year (so you know they are the best.)
 I truly think they are the best anywhere near us. Dr. Gonzalez's office is in Birmingham but he keeps office hours in Huntsville every Tuesday. Thankfully we were able to see him for most appointments in Huntsville. 
Dr. Gonzalez was the doctor that sent us to Miami and upon our return he was Allie's doctor during the pregnancy. We saw Dr. Gonzalez every week from mid June until Allie's arrive at the end of September. We came to love Dr. Gonzalez. He has the best bedside manner and is such a hoot. I heard he is a great guy with the staff and outside of work as well. Each appointment, Dr. Gonzalez and Raquel would check Allie out head to toe and would teach Stewart and I what he was looking for, what looked good, and how to read simple things on the ultrasound. He never sat there with a blank stare and made you wonder if things were okay. He was straight to the point, no sugar coating anything and we like that. We didnt need false hopes.
During these visits he provided Stewart with some great one liners I heard over and over such as 
"Its like a turkey timer,'s ready!" In reference to my belly button
"You bought your self another week." (which Stewart provided me in his Dr. G accent) In Allie always seeming she would come the following week but never being ready
and of course his stories of delivering in a hospital with 2 buggy parking spaces and 1 car parking spot (in amish country)

Ole Raquel! Raquel did all of our ultrasounds each week including out 2 hour one on our first visit with the girls. We quickly learned that a Doctor is only as good as his ultrasound tech. We loved Raquel and she would answer questions and educate us as well. 
Here is Allie and Raquel (Allie was about 1 month at our visit back...doesnt she look so small...aww shes getting so big). 

If we ever need to see a doctor about our future pregnancies I will beg to see Dr. Gonzalez. I truly think he is the best and I am so glad to have a great OBGYN that has a working relationship with such a great specialist and not too proud to recommend us to him.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What We've Been Up To...

Auburn vs. Virginia
Chick-Fil-A Bowl
Auburn 43 Virginia 24

Allie went to her first Auburn Game. It was the perfect setting as the game was played indoors. She did great. She fell asleep around the 2nd quarter and didn't wake up until the 3rd/4th. It was a lot to take in and her eyes were HUGE when she was awake trying to take in all the noise and lights. She was great. We took the Marta back to the hotel and she was the best baby. She didn't cry any and just went with the flow. 
Gotta Love a Little Tiger!

Love Those Dimples!

Allie and Daddy

Allie, Daddy and Grandaddy

Sweet Little Face

Allie Grandaddy and Gram

Allie was exhausted when we got back to the room around 1a.m. She fell asleep and slept until about 10 the next morning.


 Love Her Smile

Allie turned 3 months old on her Daddy's Birthday. She now weighs 13.5 lbs and is 23.5 inches long. She is in size 1 diapers and 3 or 3-6 month clothes. She has gotten sooo big. This past month was full of changes. Allie started off the month with an upper repiratory infection and a crusty eye. We had to take her to the pediatrician at the beginning of December for her nasty eye. We gave her eye drops, slept with her sitting up for a few nights, put a humidifer in her room, and rode it out. Allie's acid reflux has also been bothering her a lot this month. I feel so bad for her when she is hurting. At her 3 month appointment he upped her reflux medicine and put her on rice cereal. We have seen a HUGE difference having her on rice.

At 3 months Allie is offered 6 ounces and eat  anywhere between 4-6 of those ounces every 3-5 hours. Her last feeding is around 10-12 pm and she sleeps until we wake her around6:45-7:30 am. She takes a long morning nap, and a short afternoon, and short late evening nap.
 Allie did not like her swing during "month 2" but with all the reflux we have reintroduced the swing and she likes to take her evening nap there. She LOVES her floor mat 'thing' and loves to bat at all the toys above her. She also has started to love watching cartoons. Playhouse Mickey is a favorite and praise Baby DVD. Allie still loves bath time.
Allie loves to be talked to and will smile and 'talk' back to you. She is making the oooh, grrr, and mm sounds. She is close to rolling over from front to back and back to front and has gotten close but isnt there yet. She is great at holding her head up and it keeps getting stronger.

Random Pictures