Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Two Months Old

Allie is Two Months Old!

Wow how time flies! Although this post is late in getting posted (She was 2 months at the end of November) the pictures were taken on time. Some of this information has changed but here is a recap of where Allie was at 2 months.

Allie is still wearing a newborn diaper but is close to moving up to a size 1. Allie is mostly in Newborn clothes, however some preemie sleepers still fit and some 0-3 months are starting to fit.

Allie eats 5 ounces every 3 hours but has gone 4-4:30 hours between feedings especially at night.

Allie is getting better at holding her head up and is really starting to smile and interact with people. She is tracking with her eyes really well and will watch us as we walk around.

 Allie still enjoys her bath. She would stay in there until the water was cold if we would let her. She doesnt mind water in her eyes and likes for you to pour water over her head. The downfall of bath time is she cries as soon as we take her out.
 Allie is at work with us and she has been great. She sleeps most of the day still and is mostly awake early in the morning and late at night. I havent noticed her changing too much but she is looking more like Stewart and now has a nice blend of the two of us. The biggest change I have noticed is that she is getting some rolls.

 Allie weighs 10 lbs 4 oz at her 2 month check up and has moved up to being in the 25th percentile. Her Daddy took her to her two month checkup. She did great after her shots. She was a little more sleepy than normal. We gave her some ibuprofen and it knocked her out. I am looking forward to this coming month. Allie will be 3 months old on Stewarts birthday and we have our first Christmas as a family of 3. I am excited to see how she grows and becomes more social over the coming month!
 Here are some pictures from when she was 1 month to compare her to. I dont think she has changed much at all except maybe being a little chubbier.


  1. I think she still looks like her mama! ;)

  2. Precious little baby..looks like her mom..and her granny...

  3. She really is a little doll baby! :)
